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*Roast days are Tuesday and Thursday. Order by Sunday 11:59 pm EST

for Wednesday shipment or Tuesday 11:59 pm EST for Friday shipment




Producers   Producers of Agua Mariposa

Region         Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca, Mexico

Harvest       Summer 2024

Varieties     Typica & Bourbon

Process       Washed

Altitude       1,600-1,900 masl

Importer     Osito



Producer Profile

Agua Mariposa is a community in Eloxichitlán de Flores Magón, Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca. It is also the name of this community lot, which is comprised of Bourbon and Typica varieties grown in the gardens of producers within Agua Mariposa. The average lot size of producers in the rugged and isolated Sierra Mazateca is extremely small, far too small to be separated into individual lots. But, the quality of the selections contributed to Agua Mariposa is high, making this one of the best Mexican community lots we have tasted.

Our importing partner Osito has to work hard and compete to be able to source these tiny lots, then spend considerable time and effort to put together the lots of similar screen size, moisture and water activity. For all the time and effort it takes to secure these lots, it is always worth the payoff - these coffees are exciting and showcase a side of Mexican coffee often unexplored and underappreciated.


Sitting right in between Mexico’s two other major coffee-growing regions Chiapas and Veracruz, Oaxaca produces some of the most distinctive coffees in Mexico. Coffee production in Oaxaca has not been modernized to the same extent as in its neighbouring regions, with many producers preferring traditional cultivation methods and coffee varieties.

Field Blend

Bourbon takes its name from Bourbon Island (now La Réunion), where it was introduced by French missionaries who had taken a few coffee seeds from Yemen in the 1700s. Along with Typica, Bourbon accounts for the basis of most of the world's coffee production today which is made up of Bourbon and Typica descendant varieties. Bourbon is known for its high-quality potential, susceptibility to disease and relatively low yields.

Like Bourbon, Typica made its way out of Yemen by way of colonisation. In this case, the Dutch transported seeds to their colonial holdings in South America in 1719, from there the variety made its way to Brazil and then to the West Indies. Eventually, the English brought Typica to the Caribbean, from there, they were sent to Central America, where they were widely dispersed.

Typica has very high quality potential at high altitudes in Central America. Unfortunately, it is highly susceptible to disease.


As is typical in this region, the coffees are fermented for 24-48 hours before being washed and then dried on patio or woven petates (mats) for 10-15 days.





What's this?

FOB: "Freight on board," usually the price paid to the coffee exporter for coffee ready to ship. This includes price paid to the producer as well as milling, warehousing and transportation costs plus any intermediaries' fees and export costs.

Farmgate: the price paid by the exporter or other buyer to the producer or producer organization.



$4.80 USD per lb


$6.05 USD per lb


Total lot size of 4,485 kg. Subtext purchased 414 kg.


Osito has been working with the producers of Mazateca for five years. This is the fourth year we have purchased coffee from the Mazateca, and the second year we specifically purchased this lot.


Subtext cupping score of 86