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Poma Coffee - Soil Fertility Experiment Tasting July 27th, '24

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    Join us for a session where we dive into the latest experiment from Poma Coffee - Soil Fertility. 

    " You will find two versions of the Kurume variety, an Ethiopian Landrace originating from the Yirgacheffe region, grown under identical conditions at our research station - the only difference being the soil fertility. A regular version of the Kurume variety, treated with our standard fertiliser regimen, and an optimised version treated with precision-fertilisers tailored to meet optimal nutrient levels and soil health based on soil- and leaf analysis over a 2-year period." 

    This is an in-person tasting at our roastery located in the Stockyards area in Toronto's west end. 

    Date: July 27th, 2024

    Time: 11am - 12:30pm 

    Location:  Subtext Coffee Roasters — 130 Cawthra Ave, unit 104.  M6N3C2 

    Please avoid wearing any scents.