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*Roast days are Tuesday and Thursday. Order by Monday 12pm EST

for Wednesday shipment or Wednesday 12pm for Friday shipment




Producer   José Martinez

Farm             El Casino

Region         Palestina, Huila, Colombia

Harvest       Summer 2024

Varieties      Caturra

Process       Washed

Altitude       1,750 masl

Importer     The Coffee Quest



Producer Profile

We've had the pleasure of tasting José Martinez's coffee many times through the years from other roasters, but this is the first year we've been able to buy his coffee ourselves, through our friends at Osito. José is a well-known producer in Palestina, Huila. On his farm El Casino, which sits at 1,750 masl, different varieties are planted, from Caturra and Gesha to Pink Bourbon. Like many producers in Huila, José grew up on his parents' farm but then left for the city as a young man. In 2014, he returned to Huila, starting with a very small drying facility. Over the years, his commitment to quality has yielded good profits, which he has used to continually expand and improve his farm, drying patios, and processing infrastructure.


Of the many growing regions in Colombia, the mountainous department of Huila in the south west of the country grows the most coffee. Huila enjoys a wide diversity of micro-climates, temperatures, altitudes and coffee varieties. In fact, coffee is grown in 35 of Huila's 37 municipalities. All of this means that the coffee coming out of this region is as diverse as the variables that influence its production.


A natural mutation of Bourbon, originally discovered in Brazil in the early 20th century; Caturra derives its name from the Guarani word for “small,” a reference to its diminutive stature that results from a single-gene mutation causing dwarfism. It was this small size- allowing for more trees to be planted closer together- that led to mass selections of Caturra being made by the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) of Sao Paulo State in Campinas in the 1930’s. Caturra then made its way to Guatemala during the 1940’s and then was widely adopted in the 1970’s by the rest of Central America, where it is now one of the most economically important varieties. At high altitudes Caturra has strong quality and yield potential but unfortunately, is quite susceptible to disease.


Jose starts by floating cherry to remove defects and de-pulps on the day of harvest. He then fry ferments for 30 hours before drying on raised beds.





What's this?

FOB: "Freight on board," usually the price paid to the coffee exporter for coffee ready to ship. This includes price paid to the producer as well as milling, warehousing and transportation costs plus any intermediaries' fees and export costs.

Farmgate: the price paid by the exporter or other buyer to the producer or producer organization.

3 million COP per carge (125k of parchment)


$4.75 USD


$6.50 USD per lb


Total lot size of 420kg. Subtext purchased 140 kg.


Osito has been working with Jose for six years. this is the first year we have purchased his coffee.


Subtext cupping score of 86.25