Sold out

*Roast days are Tuesday and Thursday. Order by Sunday 11:59 pm EST

for Wednesday shipment or Tuesday by 11:59 pm EST for Friday shipment.




Producer     Felipe Luson

Farm             Finca Los Eucaliptos

Region         Palanda, Zamora-Chincipe, Ecuador

Harvest       Summer-Fall 2023

Varieties      Mejorado

Process       Washed

Altitude        1,600 masl

Importer     The Coffee Quest



Producer Profile

This is our second year working with Felipe Luzon’s washed Mejorado lot from his farm Los Eucaliptos in Palanda, Zamora-Chinchipe-Ecuador. Los Eucaliptos is about six hectares, and sits at 1,600 masl. Felipe cultivates Mejorado, F1, and a traditional typica variety. Felipe processes his coffee by first floating the cherry to sort out under and over ripes. He then de-pulps the coffee and leaves them to ferment in sacks for 60 hours before moving them to his green house structure for drying. Recently Felipe has been experimenting with extending the initial fermentation time. We’re looking forward to tasting the fruits of Felipe’s experiments over the years to come!


Zamora Chinchipe, located in Southern Ecuador to the East of Loja is characterized by high altitudes, rich biodiversity, and woodlands. The harvest here runs from March through October, peaking in August.


Often called Typica Mejorado, genetic testing done by World Coffee Research has shown that Mejorado is in fact a cross between Bourbon and an Ethiopian Landrace variety. The vast majority of Mejorado is farmed in Ecuador where it has exceptional quality potential, often showing aromatic florals and deep sweetness.



lot begins its process by hand-picking the ripest cherries, floating them, and washing them with clean water. After rinsing, the coffee is de-pulped and left to ferment in sacks for upwards of 60 hours (though Felipe has been experimenting with varying hours of fermentation, with some lots reaching 90+ hours!). The coffee is then dried in a greenhouse structure for between 15-20 days, depending on the weather.



The Coffee Quest


What's this?

FOB: "Freight on board," usually the price paid to the coffee exporter for coffee ready to ship. This includes price paid to the producer as well as milling, warehousing and transportation costs plus any intermediaries' fees and export costs.

Farmgate: the price paid by the exporter or other buyer to the producer or producer organization.

$3.55 USD per lb


$4.35 USD per lb


$5.80 USD per lb


Total lot size of 1,550 kg. Subtext purchased 200 kg.


This is the second year that Quest has worked with Felipe and the second year we have purchased his coffee.


Subtext cupping score of 86.25